Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Middle-Aged Reboot

I've had an interesting life so far: good beginnings in Winston-Salem, a good family, an excellent education and a few extraordinary experiences. I'm a father and have been married once.

I am old enough to remember Sputnik, segregation in the U.S., Muhammad Ali in his prime and when Beirut was called the 'Paris of the Middle East'. I am young enough to understand the value of social media and still believe that I can make a difference.

Along the way, I've developed deep interests in information design, visual communication, history, culture, travel and try to combine to combine those things as often as possible. I've worked in healthcare IT, web design and shipping. I currently earn my keep with a part-time supervisor's job at UPS Worldport and as a part-time web consultant based in Louisville, Kentucky, US.

Even though I've had a good life to this point, it would be a stretch to say that I'm happy. There are many things that I could have done and done better. But rather than belabor missed opportunities or my shortcomings, I'd rather be optimistic. So I focus on what I can do to improve.

I call it 'Middle-Aged Reboot'. I guess you could say that I am conducting experiments in lifestyle design.

In 'rebooting', I do much to increase my personal energy levels. I eat better now, exercise a little and read (and write) a lot. I try to sleep as much as possible but that's difficult when you earn your primary income at night. When managed well, these go a long way to keep my mind-body fit and functioning. Most importantly, I surround myself with culturally diverse, tolerant, energetic and honest people. Nothing drains me faster than monolithic, selfish people without integrity.
I work to increase my energy because I value my life and, at 58, still imagine what it might become. What I attempt takes energy and foresight…so I have a plan. Eighteen months ago, I put together 8 goals…things I’d like to accomplish before I die, G-d willing. It wasn’t easy to uncover them or easy to orient to new habits. But my life revolves around them now. Without getting too deep yet into the whys of seeking change, for now I’ll tell you the change I seek.
  1. Find my genetic history. I am of African descent, but from where?
  2. Become agile again. Requires core strength, flexibility and good nutrition.
  3. Build a portable income to experience at least a year as a digital nomad and travel the world again.
  4. NEVER retire, happily working until I die.
  5. Mentor more young people, including my son, Benjamin.
  6. Replace my amalgam fillings. Mercury is poisonous, you know.
  7. Father another child. A stretch, but may require living in a culture that respects aging.
  8. Create an institution to survive my death.
Each of these requires commitment and funding. The stories that follow, chronicle just how I'm doing with both.


  1. David, I am impressed and encouraged by your story. In 2 short days i will be turning 38 and I too am in the midst of a true transformation, first beginning with my health. I am currently in Columbus Ohio on a 30 day self recommitment. I intend to finally
    live out my dreams of being a film maker documenting greatness in all aspects of our history, I pay to be in Mexico Costa Chica amongst oiginalBlack Mexicans in two weeks would love to hear from you and wok together again

  2. please forgive typos rushing, not supposed to be on computer till 30 day treatment is up, bad habits sometimes hard to break, I keep on Striving

  3. Chaava, glad that you liked this first post and hope that we collaborate again on projects. Yours was fun and I'm certain that your dream to be a film maker will come true. I have confidence in you and have access to knowledge and people that may be helpful to you in the near future. Please keep in touch

  4. Learning this social marketing facebook, twitter thing, want to make you a friend do you twitter

  5. Chaava, I do Twitter. My personal tweet handle is tzaadi. My biz tweet handle is marketbeast. I'll be looking out for you too.

  6. Chaava, I found you on Twitter and am following your posts. Follow me at tzaadi.
